API Documentation

Issue #25 closed
Victor Oseghale created an issue

A key feature in this plugin is passing a payload of

{"unapproveOnUpdate": true}

to the REST API end point;


This serves to set the flag so that all material changes to a PR to unapprove. Adding documentation of some of these endpoint will be useful for REST API users.

Comments (4)

  1. Bryan Turner Account Deactivated

    /rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJECT_KEY/repos/REPO_NAME/settings/pull-requests is a part of Bitbucket Server's base REST API. It allows app developers to extend it via REST fragments, which this app does. However, since the "unapproveOnUpdate" flag is not part of the base product's payload, it can't be documented there; that property only does something if this app is installed.

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