Unapprove removes Needs Work

Issue #32 invalid
Former user created an issue


If a reviewer of a pull-request marked the pull-request as Needs Work and after that the pull-request is updated, the Needs Work is automatically removed. This might be an issue with pull-requests where there are multiple reviewers and not all are responsible for all parts of the pull-request. So when new changes come in, the Needs Work is removed even though the changes are not related to the section that "Needs Work". When the pull-requests can be merged if a minumum number of approvals exists this will cause code not approved to be merged.

Scenario PR with 3 approvals and 1 minimum approves. Approver no 1 and 2 marks the change as needs work.

PR is updated and approver 3 approves the change. The PR can be merged.

Desireble outcome Needs Changes is not removed when a PR is unapproved.

Comments (2)

  1. Kristy Hughes


    The ‘needs work’ functionality is actually part of core Bitbucket and not part of this plugin at all. Needs work status will be removed on a push regardless of whether this plugin is installed or not.

    If you would like to raise this suggestion with Bitbucket, please raise a BSERV Jira ticket at https://jira.atlassian.com



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