redo of pr21 based on bpturner feedback (base unapprove on git patch-id)

#22 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in gsylviedavies/stash-auto-unapprove-plugin/issue15 (pull request #22)

c5d8c52·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-06-27


I wanted to leave PR21 alone (IMO bpturner's advice there could be useful for other bitbucket add-on developers), and so I'm creating a new PR22 that addresses the feedback.

  • Issue #15 - base unapprove on: git diff target...source | git patch-id

  • Issue #14 - don't unapprove for simple rebase/squash of source branch

  • Issue #9 - Do not unapprove if the update is a merge commit (well, only if it's a merge commit from target branch!)

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