Automatically fork and create pull request if the user doesn't have edit right to the repo

Issue #31 new
David Cramer created an issue

You can do this in github: If you DON'T have write access to the repo, you should be able to click "Publish" and have it create a fork (if necessary), commit on a new branch, and issue a pull request behind the scenes. This is how it works in Github. In that case while you're editing, you see the following message: "You are editing a file in a project you do not have write access to. We are forking this project for you (if one does not yet exist) to write your proposed changes to. Submitting a change to this file will write it to a new branch in your fork so you can send a pull request." That way, less technical users could contribute to things like markdown files without needing to know much about git. For them, the repo would be like a fancy wiki.

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