Edit Button Unresponsive in Safari 7.0.x

Issue #23 new
Ryan Bridge created an issue

When clicking the edit button for any file while using this plugin Safari reports the following exception:

[Error] TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'c[1]') (anonymous function) (batch.js, line 1909) dispatch (batch.js, line 106) handle (batch.js, line 99)

The section of batch.js it refers to is:

define("plugin/stash-edit-button", ["exports", "jquery", "underscore", "aui", "eve"], function(b, e, i, f, g) {
    b.addEditButton = function(b) {
        var h = e("<a class='aui-button'>Edit</a>");
        g.on("stash.feature.sourceview.dataLoaded", function() {
            e(b).append(h.clone().click(function() {
                var a, b, c;
                c = location.pathname.match(/\/projects\/(.*)\/repos\/(.*)\/browse\/(.*)(?:$|\?)/);
                var d;
                a = "at".replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
                a = RegExp("[\\?&]" + a + "=([^&#]*)").exec(window.location.search);
                (d = null == a ? "" : decodeURIComponent(a[1].replace(/\+/g,
                " "))) || (d = "HEAD");
                a = c[1];
                b = c[2];
                c = c[3];
                location.href = f.contextPath() + "/plugins/servlet/edit/projects/" + a + "/repos/" + b + "/" + c + "?at=" + d

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