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Issue #25 new
Chris Hiszpanski created an issue

It seems I can edit essentially every file EXCEPT for the one I that I installed this plug-in for -- Why is this one file not editable with the plug-in?

Comments (14)

  1. Diogo Campos

    The plugin apparently can edit those files if you enter the URL manually, something like:


    I think its just that the Edit button is missing (perhaps because Stash uses a different screen render for .md files?)

  2. Mark Johnson

    I just tried what Diogo Campos recommends, and it works fine. Hey Atlassian, this has got to be really easy to fix. You could do it by adding a link to the page.

  3. Mark Johnson

    Here is a bookmarklet to use until Atlassian fixes this:

    javascript:void(window.location = window.location.href.replace(/^([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+)\/projects\/([^\/]+)\/repos\/(.*?)\/browse\/(.*)/, "$1/plugins/servlet/edit/projects/$2/repos/$3/$4"))
  4. David Cramer

    For me, the Edit button does not appear for me for all markdown files (with extensions .md and .markdown). Collaborating on markdown files in the browser, especially with less technical users who may not be up to interacting with git, is exactly what I want to use this for! Making them use a bookmarklet is a drag of a workaround.

  5. Mark Johnson

    I agree it's a drag. If I worked for Atlassian, I'd fix it instead of writing bookmarklets :-)

  6. David Cramer

    @elucify Thanks for the workaround! Atlassian owes you one. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't even be considering Stash. I'm surprised that there's not at least an Edit button to edit files in the browser like there is on github and gitlab. This collaborative editing addon is fancy and cool, but it's worriesome that such a basic (and simple) feature is lacking from the core product.

  7. Mark Johnson

    I think it's just a bug. The edit button works for other file formats. I can edit python files in-place, for example. (Not that I do, but the button is there...)

    I'm a pretty big fan of Atlassian products, and I'm happy to hear I've saved a customer for them. I do wish they'd fix this, though.

    I find the lack of source code search in Stash to be the biggest thing missing. What is the Stash team thinking? The workaround is git clone + grep | xargs. Sheesh.

  8. Jeff Stein

    Our stash has the ReadMe Parser plugin installed. I wonder if its causing a negative interaction.

  9. David Cramer

    @jeff_stein I uninstalled the ReadMe Parser and the problem persists. There are no other addons installed besides the realtime editor.

  10. Jos Krause

    1200$ for an editor that already exists in Bitbucket? No thanks! (No offense Majid).

    Just can't phantom why this is such a chore when this feature is available in and working just fine for

    Just makes you wonder if Atlassian even uses it themselves, these annoyances should be on the top of changes to make considering how little effort they might have. Even after to commitment from Felix to maintain this addon, there is no activity since September.

    Really really regret our company chose Bitbucket Server, I hope the crap they are pulling with SourceTree isn't indicative on the quality on upcoming changes, disappointing to the max.

  11. Mohammed Davoodi

    Hey Jos,

    The reason this feature isn't available in Bitbucket Server is because the code base for Bitbucket cloud and server is different. It's not as simple as moving cloud code to server since the cloud code is written in python, while server is written in Java. That's why our plugin exists, as we saw the need of an editor in Bitbucket Server (and we were actually here before Stash was re-branded as Bitbucket).

    As for why you should use our plugin, I made a summary of why on this issue here:

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