This requires a very specific version for nodejs engine

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue


  "engines": {
    "node": "10.13.0",
    "yarn": "1.12.3"

Is there any reason for requiring this very specific version of node? We run multiple versions of node (6.x.x to 11.x.x) in different environments, I cannot currently add this to our project without using the --ignore-engines flag

Comments (1)

  1. Lee S

    Sorry for the delay in responding to this!

    I have relaxed the dependencies on the engines in this package, so they're now looking for >= the specified versions. This seemed to work well for me, as I'm now on much newer versions of yarn and node in my local environment.

    I also took the opportunity to perform a quick version upgrade of downstream dependencies as well, although that’s not a big deal.

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