svn-migration-scripts.jar authors fails with ssh connection (svn+ssh)

Issue #4 new
Robert Muil created an issue

Running the migrations script to export authors fails when the repository connection is over ssh/svn protocol:

java -jar ~/svn-migration-scripts.jar authors svn+ssh://<repourl>


About to create the authors file.

Invalid svn command

Comments (16)

  1. Carlos Rueda

    Thanks for the link Jase. Yes, basically I simply ran `svn log --quiet | awk '/^r/ {print $3}' | sort

  2. jimmies

    I had similar solution make sure your repository in the command is terminated with a forward slash : repository/

  3. joyous javadev

    I had same issue and as jimmies suggested, this is how I resolved it. After your svn repository path ends, follow it up with forward slash and your SVN repository name

    On Windows, D:\java>java -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar authors file:///D:\your\svnrepositorypath/yourSVNrepositoryname > authors.txt

  4. sidner

    Having the same problem on Linux. Any solution? Tried the "adding the project at the end" suggestion, didn't work.

  5. B Cherkezov

    Having the same problem here. Adding the forward slash didn't help.

    My tools versions:

    svn-migration-scripts: using version 0.1.56bbc7f

    Git: using version

    Subversion: using version 1.6.17

    git-svn: using version

  6. Joel C Forster

    I'm having the same issue. Adding the slash has had no effect.

    Has anyone made any breakthroughs on this?

  7. Kevin Nagurski

    Best solution I found was to abandon it and go for svn2git instead. Must easier and better supported.

  8. Morjan Mihail

    There are problems too. For example the password can't be inserted as parameter anymore from terminal and when I enter the password can't trigger the enter anymore. Hardly solved the problem by setting the first imput from a file. Now I have problems with the branches... This problem is a bit too old and is well known, why nobody can't support this issue?

  9. Dale Cooper

    On Unix this will work. Similar should work on Windows. Create a shell script called svn. In that file simply set up your subversion PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc and on the last line ...

    #  BE CAREFUL you must use a path to the svn binary/app, otherwise you stand a chance of recursively calling this svn hijack script and killing your host.
    set -vx ; $svn_client_distro_path/bin/svn --username=bert --password=erniesnores "$@"

    Then ensure that the svn hijack script is in your PATH, ahead of the real svn path. That way you hijack the call to svn and inject your own switches. The set -vx allow you to see what other switches are being used.

  10. John Reimers

    This worked for me on OS X (using https):

    java -jar ~/svn-migration-scripts.jar authors <svn-repo> username password > authors.txt

    Just make sure your <svn-repo> (https://path) is the svn root. It may take a few minutes if your repo is large.

  11. sucotronic sucotronic

    Bad ugly workaround:

    • create local mount point
       mkdir /tmp/svn_repo
    • mount over sshfs
       sshfs /tmp/svn_repo
    • execute the script over local mount point
       java -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar authors file:///tmp/svn_repo/svn_path > authors.txt
  12. mattack1

    We're using svn+ssh://

    Is that the reason I'm getting this error? Is there a workaround?

    Well, I got it to not error out, but it didn't make any progress. The difference was that it needed username after the repo.. e.g.

    java -jar ~/svn-migration-scripts.jar authors svn+ssh://REPO/ USERNAME > authors.txt

    but again, that actually didn't work for me, it just didn't error out..

    What DID work was this: svn log --quiet | grep "^r" | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq I'm not sure if that's really all I need.

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