clean-git fails says a directory doesnt exist

Issue #16 new
Darrell Tunnell created an issue

Have succesfully completed the git svn clone, and now doing the java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar ../svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git on Windows.

It complains that that a directory under .git\svn\ref\remotes\origin\ doesn't exist. As far as I can tell this directory does indeed exist, although it looks like it has an additional "space" at the end of the name so I am wondering if that could be causing problems?

clean git error.PNG

Here is that directory in windows explorer - note the additional space:

added space.PNG

However I can't simply rename the folder via windows explorer to remove the space - so I can't test this theory. Is there some git command I can use to rename this?

I have attached the full log.

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