clean-git command randomly freeze

Issue #5 new
tonka created an issue


i have a problem migrating my svn repo's to git with your svn-migration-scripts.jar app. Everything works fine, but the clean-git command randomly freeze, which is very bad because i wanna automatically update the git-repo every day for the next month.

My command is: java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar ~/svn2git/svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git --force

Sometimes this command work well, but most of the time it randomly freeze on a tag. It always freeze on another tag (looks like a race-condition)! If i repeat the command sometimes it freeze and sometimes not.

Does anybody has the same problem?

My Setup:

My SVN-repos are developed and maintained in Windows, but for the svn to git convertation i've moved to my ubutnu machine (case-sensitive file system)

  • OS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64 (latest updates) - (VirtualBox)
  • git 1.9.1
  • svn 1.8.8



Comments (5)

  1. Eugene Pestov

    Logging seems to be causing the problem. I completely disabled logging and at least it has worked for me so far.

  2. Jerome Waibel

    I can confirm this bug.

    Strace shows that the "git tag" command spawned by java is waiting for input from stdin (as told by option "-F -") but the java process never sends any data.

    Happens randomly when migrating big projects with several dozens of tags.

  3. Daniel Robert Account Deactivated

    For others having this problem, killing the spawned/frozen 'git tag' process works, and results in the full git-clean command continuing onwards successfully.

  4. Procter, Stephen

    Killing the frozen ‘git tag’ process does allow the clean procedure to run to completion, but means that the tag which was being created never gets generated.

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