request.path-or-method.unknown error if url contains `:text` at the end

Issue #93 invalid
Alex C created an issue




      "request": {
        "method": "POST",
        "path": "/hello/token:world",
        "matchingRules": {
          "$.path": {
            "match": "regex",
            "regex": "\\/hello\\/(.*?)\\:world"

When running swagger-mock-validator openapi.yaml custom.json

1 error(s)
        request.path-or-method.unknown: 1
   mockDetails: {
        value: '/hello/token:world'
     specDetails: {
        location: '[root].paths',
        pathMethod: null,
        pathName: null,
        specFile: 'openapi.yaml',
        value: {
          '/hello/{token}:world': [Object]

Looks like spec was parsed correctly but it’s not able to match the request

Comments (4)

  1. Sebastian Tello Account Deactivated

    Hi Alex, your swagger file seems invalid. The char : in YAML may have an special meaning depending where it is:

    Instead of


    use quotes for the path:


    Otherwise the first : is interpreted as the end of the key name in the map. You can paste your spec in to check it is valid.

    If the problem persists please attach the spec (or a simplified version of it) to this ticket

  2. Alex C Account Deactivated reporter

    I tried with both ' and “ around the path in the openapi.yaml Still the same error, so I don’t think that’s the reason it’s failing

  3. Sebastian Tello Account Deactivated

    Alex, can you share files of your swagger and pact to reproduce the problem?

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