[v2.0] swagger-request-validator v2

Issue #113 resolved
James Navin created an issue

This ticket tracks the progress of the v2 major release of the swagger-request-validator.

The primary change will be support of OpenAPI v3 specs, but there may be other API changes etc. made in this version.

Comments (15)

  1. James Navin reporter

    My likely plan of attack will be:

    1. General refactoring and cleanup of existing codebase
    2. Add test coverage powered by v3 specs
    3. 'fill the gaps' where the v3 spec has enhanced what the v2 spec already supported (e.g. discriminator mappings etc)
    4. Identify 'critical' new functionality to add validation for
    5. Release 2.0
    6. Add validation for 'non-critical' pieces as part of regular development/maintenance

    Release candidates will be available to get feedback/comments. The first one will be released once the 2.0 branch is reasonably stable. In the meantime you are welcome to build a -SNAPSHOT version from the branch to test against - comments and bug reports welcomed.

  2. Robin Topper

    Is it already possible to give an estimate of when you expect the 2.0 release to be available?

  3. James Navin reporter

    Not yet unfortunately. I should have a better idea of remaining effort by the end of this week.

  4. James Navin reporter

    swagger-request-validator:2.0.0-rc1 is now in Maven Central.

    RC1 includes basic support for Open API v3, with almost the same feature coverage as the 1.x branch. The major exception to this is form-data validation (coming in the next release candidate).

    Major changes:

    • Basic OpenAPI v3 support
    • Parameter validators have been removed - all schema validation is now performed by the jsonschema validator
    • As a result, validation message keys have changed (but are now more consistent)
    • API operation resolution updated to support the new servers concept in the OAI3 spec

    Coming soon:

    • Renaming the core validator to remove 'swagger' and replace with 'openapi' naming (will leave the existing validator in place but mark it as deprecated)
    • Adding form-data validation
    • Adding more message context information
  5. allegra cooper

    Will this fix be in v2? Add the following constructor to the open source project: https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/swagger-request-validator/src/267f1c2342a93a5bc236a74094bb4d73404a29b3/swagger-request-validator-pact/?at=master

    public ValidatedPactProviderRule(final String swaggerJsonUrl, final String basePathOverride, final String providerId, final Object target, String host, int port) { this.delegate = new PactProviderRule(providerId, host, port, target); this.providerId = providerId; this.target = target;

    this.validator = SwaggerRequestResponseValidator .createFor(swaggerJsonUrl) .withLevelResolver(PactLevelResolverFactory.create()) .withBasePathOverride(basePathOverride) .build(); }

  6. Yulia Glazunova

    Hi, I'm trying to use 2.0-rc1 to validate endpoints against oapi 3.0 schema and get issue with all POST requests: [ERROR] No request body is expected for POST on path '{MY_PATH}. at com.atlassian.oai.validator.restassured.SwaggerValidationFilter.filter(SwaggerValidationFilter.java:61) at io.restassured.filter.Filter$filter.call(Unknown Source) at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(CallSiteArray.java:48) at io.restassured.filter.Filter$filter.call(Unknown Source) at io.restassured.internal.filter.FilterContextImpl.next(FilterContextImpl.groovy:72) at com.nbcuni.oa.test.core.api.utils.CustomRequestLoggerFilter.filter(CustomRequestLoggerFilter.java:42) at io.restassured.filter.Filter$filter.call(Unknown Source) ....

    Request body description is different between oapi 3.0 and swagger 2.0 and that might be a reason. I can provide the full log/schema if needed.

  7. Sven Döring

    Will v2 support validation for both the old Swagger 2 and the new OpenAPI 3? Or will v2 only support OpenAPI 3 and breaking backwards compatibility?

  8. James Navin reporter

    Full backwards compat. It would be great if you get a chance to try out the 2.0-rc1 build and let me know any problems you find (feel free to raise issues tagged with [v2.0])

  9. James Navin reporter

    @seamcat it would be great if you could raise an issue for the problem you're encountering and include an example schema / test that can reproduce it - thanks!

  10. James Navin reporter

    2.0.0-rc2 build has been released.

    Major changes:

    • Support for discriminator mapping
    • Support the nullable schema keyword
    • Bug fixes applied from the 1.4.6 release
  11. James Navin reporter

    Update: 2.0.0-rc3 has been released.

    This will be the final RC before the 2.0.0 final, pending some final testing.

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