API path with same prefix as base path is incorrectly double-normalized

Issue #129 resolved
James Navin created an issue

e.g. if the base path is /test and the API operation path is /test123, the API path is incorrectly normalised to /123 and so a request to /test/test123 is never matched.

See #40 for discussion of the problem.

Comments (4)

  1. Patrick Boos

    Got a PR created now (found out a workaround to create the PR 😀, see details below) : https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/swagger-request-validator/pull-requests/390/bugfix-fix-path-double-normalized-if-same

    @James Navin It is marked as a fork of this one. But the create PR button is greyed out and tells me it is not possible.

    Luckily I now found a “workaround” to make it work. I have to create the PR starting on my fork. Then I can select the original repository to create the fork for. Wonder if it will show up here then. We

    Don’t think this is very intuitive and might be nice if this can also work from the source repository as I would have expected it 🙂

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