Does latest version support v2?

Issue #194 resolved
Former user created an issue

Where can we specify swagger version to use this library?

While parsing the json file, OpenApiValidationFilter is throwing error model.OriginalRef is unexpected. After debugging, i found that this error is thrown from OpenAPIV3Parser. If i am validating for swagger v 2.0 then also it will be using v3 parser?

Which version of these libraries shall i use for swagger v 2.0?

Comments (5)

  1. James Navin

    The parser supports v3 and v2. Under the hood it translates the v2 spec to v3 and then uses the OpenAPIV3Parser.

    Are you able to share the spec that causes the error? It might also be useful to see how you're initialising the validator (e.g. passing a string literal or a path to the spec file)

  2. ehab sultan

    Not sure if my issue is the same or not but i got originalRef is unexpected as well. when i try to validate against an autogenerated swagger JSON. by passing the generated JSON URL to OpenApiValidationClientHttpRequestInterceptor(OpenApiInteractionValidator.createFor(String.format("http://localhost:%d/v2/api-docs", port)).build());


    Unable to load API spec from provided URL or payload:
    - attribute paths.'/campaign'(put).[campaignDto].originalRef is unexpected
    - attribute paths.'/campaign'(post).[campaignDto].originalRef is unexpected
    - attribute paths.'/coinTransaction'(post).[rbsTransactionDto].originalRef is unexpected
    - attribute paths.'/earnCampaign'(put).[earnCampaignDto].originalRef is unexpected
    - attribute paths.'/earnCampaign'(post).[earnCampaignDto].originalRef is unexpected

  3. James Navin

    It looks like your swagger specs may have an additional property originalRef, which is not allowed by the Swagger v2 spec. The parser is quite strict about adhering to the schema.

    Is your generated spec from SpringFox by any chance? It looks like there is an open issue with SpringFox serialization incorrectly adding that field to the generated swagger - see for discussion and an example on how to prevent it.

  4. Paul Subhankar

    Hello , I am getting this issue while parsing path for openAPI

    unable to load api spec from provided url or payload

    public OpenApiValidationConfig(@Value("${open.api.spec.url}") final String specificationUrl) throws IOException {
    final OpenApiInteractionValidator validator = OpenApiInteractionValidator
    this.validationInterceptor = new OpenApiValidationInterceptor(validator);

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