Optimize JSON schema generation with caching

Issue #292 resolved
Olivier von Dach created an issue

I would like to use web request validation based on an OpenAPI specification in a productive environment with a maximum response time of 10 ms. This number should be achievable with web requests with an array of 500 entries, and with an object of depth equal to two for each entry.

Former tickets #259, #250, #225, #214 and #213 could give a performance boost to the request validation.

Former ticket #273 illustrates a serious time-consuming operation related to the reading of the request body
and its conversion into a JsonNode; this ticket should be treated as well.

Former ticket #291 illustrates a serious time-consuming operation related to the construction of a schema object based on the Swagger schema and its transformation by iterations to finally get a JsonNode; this ticket should be treated as well.

Another time-consuming operation is the systematic construction of a JsonSchema object associated with the JsonNode schema. After analysis, I notice that this result is the same for each call on a given endpoint, so it is reasonable to want to keep this result for reuse.

Setting up a cache using a ConcurrentHashMap allows a drastic improvement in response time. The caching key must be able to identify the current API operation, including the target, i.e. a URL variable or a query parameter.

For example:

public class SchemaValidator {
  private Map<String, JsonSchema> jsonSchemaCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public ValidationReport validate(@Nonnull final String operationId,
                                   @Nonnull final String value,
                                   @Nullable final Schema schema,
                                   @Nullable final String keyPrefix) {
    content = readContent(value, schema);

    final String validationKey = String.format("%s.%s", keyPrefix, operationId);
    final JsonNode schemaObject = readAndTransformSchemaObject(validationKey, schema, keyPrefix);
    final JsonSchema jsonSchema = toJsonSchema(validationKey, schemaObject);

  private JsonSchema toJsonSchema(final String key, final JsonNode schemaObject) throws ProcessingException {
      final JsonSchema schema = jsonSchemaCache.computeIfAbsent(key, o -> {
          try {
              return schemaFactory().getJsonSchema(schemaObject);
          } catch (ProcessingException e) {
              return null;
      if (schema != null) { return schema; } else { throw new ProcessingException(); }

Convinced by the usefulness of an executable API specification for syntax and semantic live validation, I allow myself to set a high level of priority.

Thanks for your feedback,

Kind regards

Comments (17)

  1. Sven Döring

    I’m always into optimization and already thought of that.

    However I wasn’t able to get a measurable difference on integrating this optimization. That’s because I always measure in milliseconds and this operation does not reach that bottom limit.

    Did you do a measurement yourself? Does it take many microseconds?

    I can imagine that complex OpenAPI specifications may take longer.

  2. James Navin

    Hi Olivier,

    Thanks for raising this. As you identified, @Sven Döring has done a great job applying some performance optimizations in the past, and has some suggestions for additional improvements.

    I am more than willing to look at further optimizations, but I think before we go too far down this path I would like to add a set of performance benchmark tests to the library so we can better reason about the impact of changes (this has been on my backlog for a while but I haven’t got to it yet). I have raised #294 to add a basic set of benchmarks. If you would like to contribute to those benchmarks to demonstrate the use case you want to optimize for I would be very happy to review PRs.



  3. Olivier von Dach reporter

    @Sven Döring Hi Sven,

    I did my first measurements using a small machine (MacBookAir ie7, core duo, 1.7 GHz, 8GB) in order to have the first insight about what are the greedy operations: the construction of the schema object, the construction of the JsonSchema, and the validation against JsonSchema are the more expensive ones.

    Input payload (small portfolio)

        "portfolio": {
            "currency": "CHF",
            "positions": [
                    "asset": "id/2030ae21-25d5-4899-9016-9bd67d12b92e"
                    "asset": "id/2030ae21-25d5-4899-9016-9bd67d12b92f"

    Time measures (first shot, caching get initialized)

    Validating web request.
    Action validateSecurity took 0 ms.
    Action validateContentType took 64 ms.
    Action validateAccepts took 1 ms.
    Action validateHeaders took 1 ms.
    Action validatePathParameters took 1 ms.
    Action readContent took 1 ms.
    Hit missed on key get-prc
    Action readAndTransformSchemaObject took 23 ms.
    Hit missed on key get-prc
    Action getJsonSchema took 274 ms.
    Action validate json took 77 ms.
    Action processingReport took 353 ms.
    Action schemaValidator took 386 ms.
    Action validateRequestBody took 397 ms.
    Action validateQueryParameters took 1 ms.
    Action validateDeepObjectQueryParameters took 1 ms.
    Action validateUnexpectedQueryParameters took 3 ms.
    Action validateCookieParameters took 5 ms.
    Action validateCustom took 1 ms.
    Validation of incoming request took 500 ms.
    Valid web request.

    Time measures (second shot, cache get hit)

    Validating web request.
    Action validateSecurity took 0 ms.
    Action validateContentType took 1 ms.
    Action validateAccepts took 0 ms.
    Action validateHeaders took 0 ms.
    Action validatePathParameters took 0 ms.
    Action readContent took 0 ms.
    Action readAndTransformSchemaObject took 0 ms.
    Action getJsonSchema took 0 ms.
    Action validate json took 3 ms.
    Action processingReport took 4 ms.
    Action schemaValidator took 5 ms.
    Action validateRequestBody took 5 ms.
    Action validateQueryParameters took 0 ms.
    Action validateDeepObjectQueryParameters took 0 ms.
    Action validateUnexpectedQueryParameters took 0 ms.
    Action validateCookieParameters took 0 ms.
    Action validateCustom took 0 ms.
    Validation of incoming request took 8 ms.
    Valid web request.

    So, caching obviously helps.

    JsonSchema validation time measures (other shots using caching, bigger portfolios)

    portfolio | Whole request validation [ms] | Only JsonSchema validation [ms]
    15   | 7-12     | 5-10
    100  | 23-34    | 20-30
    500  | 138-263  | 135-259
    5000 | 760-1280 | 750-1250

    The validation of the input portfolio payload against JsonSchema is expensive.

    I did my second measurements using a better machine (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v3 @ 1.60GHz, 12 cores, 50GB), and I could win a 5x factor on all numbers. Nevertheless, with such a machine but without caching, I am not able to achieve 10 ms for small portfolios which is not acceptable, thus caching is an option.

    Moreover, with this new machine, the JsonSchema validation still costs 20-30 ms for 500-portfolios. This is another pain point.

    The OpenAPI specification I am using for these cases is not trivial, fortunately, it can be mitigated with caching.

  4. Sven Döring


    Can you please rerun the tests without the caching change? I want to get a feeling of what is just warm-up and what are the real costs of schema validation.

    And how many requests have you validated to get your times?

    Do I get it right that only calling the .validate (content, true) method took 99% of the time? Or is it including resolving the JsonSchema?

  5. Olivier von Dach reporter

    Hi Sven,

    The execution time for the different operations during the warm-up is listed in the section: Time measures (first shot, caching get initialized)

    Action validateRequestBody took 397 ms.
     Action schemaValidator took 386 ms.
       Action readContent took 1 ms.
       Action readAndTransformSchemaObject took 23 ms.
       Action processingReport took 353 ms.
        Action getJsonSchema took 274 ms.
        Action validate json took 77 ms.

    For the same request, the numbers once the cache is initialized are listed in the section: Time measures (second shot, cache get hit)

    Action validateRequestBody took 5 ms.
     Action schemaValidator took 5 ms.
      Action readContent took 0 ms.
      Action readAndTransformSchemaObject took 0 ms. //thank caching
      Action processingReport took 4 ms.
       Action getJsonSchema took 0 ms. //thank caching
       Action validate json took 3 ms.

    I have worked with three POST requests, two without path-variables, and one with two path-variables (Path-variables get validated too).

    The numbers above are the ones for the first request without path-variables, and with a 2-positions portfolio.

    Once caching is in place and hot, the validation of the request payload against the JsonSchema costs at least 95% of the time. See my numbers in the attachment.

    The JsonSchema validator is another project in itself; I wonder if it is possible to improve it to make it more performant; there is also not only one community project on this topic.

  6. Sven Döring

    In the ramp up phase of an application everything is slower.

    After a few thousand request validations what are the average validation times without implemented caching? 🤔

  7. Sven Döring

    There is now an open pull request for benchmarking and I added your changes to the SchemaValidator and run the Benchmark again.


    Benchmark                                                                      Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
    OpenApiInteractionValidatorBenchmark.requestValidation_withLargeBodyAsStream   avgt   25  3710.542 ±  72.549  us/op


    Benchmark                                                                     Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
    OpenApiInteractionValidatorBenchmark.requestValidation_withLargeBodyAsStream  avgt   25  3388.811 ± 33.296  us/op

    It’s faster.

  8. Olivier von Dach reporter

    Hi @Sven Döring , thanks for integrating the proposed caching.
    I did not have much time this last couple of months to work on it, and I will continue next year.
    Let’s stay in touch.

  9. Sven Döring

    Nah, it was no real implementation. It was more pitched into it.

    Here are more times for small requests:


    Benchmark                                                                      Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
    OpenApiInteractionValidatorBenchmark.requestValidation_withSmallBodyAsStream   avgt   25   180.764 ±   1.709  us/op


    Benchmark                                                                      Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
    OpenApiInteractionValidatorBenchmark.requestValidation_withSmallBodyAsStream   avgt   25    48.487 ±   0.241  us/op

    That change is definitely worth it. Almost all validation time is used for building this schema.

  10. Olivier von Dach reporter

    Right. Obviously, caching brings something. Next, the final step supported by the validation of request and response payloads against the resulting JSON Schema takes a lot of time; I would like to replace the current community validator by a more performant one, but it will require some integration effort.

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