this project dead?

Issue #308 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Atlassian,

Maybe you should give more effort to this project!.

Cheers, Mark

Comments (5)

  1. James Navin

    Hi Mark,

    No, this project is not dead. However, it is currently being maintained by me as a 20% time project which equates to ~2wks each quarter that I can devote to it for making fixes and implementing features etc.

    In general I am more than happy to discuss changes, review and merge PRs and shepherd releases outside of that 20% time, but right now I don’t have the capacity to allocate more time than that.

    If there are specific issues you would like addressed please feel free to raise or comment on tickets and/or raise PRs.



  2. James Navin

    Hi Sven,

    It is an official Atlassian project in that Atlassian owns the IP and uses it internally in a number of teams. Other Atlassians contribute features and bug fixes as/when they require them, but I am the primary contributor and maintainer. Having said that, we are in the process of revamping our open source policies and process, so I am hopeful of getting additional resources for this project in the future (no guarantees though).

    On that note (somewhat unrelated) - I have been considering moving the project to Github alongside our other open source projects. Would that be something this community would like to see?



  3. Sven Döring

    GitHub has a better view on mobile devices. It reacts faster. There is a preview button for comments. The overall usability is more thought out¹. The development community is bigger.

    But in the end I’m not that often on bitbucket as it would hurt. Most of the time I spend on the project and with Git on the console. That will not change on GitHub.

    So, yeah, it’s a nice to have.

    ¹might be a matter of habit


    What I like about Bitbucket is that they have a dedicated git clone button. With GitHub I have to type “git clone” on the command line.

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