
Issue #325 resolved
satya Kumar created an issue

com.atlassian.oai.validator.restassured.OpenApiValidationFilter$OpenApiValidationException: {
  "messages" : [ {
    "key" : "validation.request.path.missing",
    "level" : "ERROR",
    "message" : "No API path found that matches request '/v1/stores'.",
    "context" : {
      "requestPath" : "/v1/stores",
      "requestMethod" : "GET"
  } ]


I get the above error if I have anything after hostname in basueri. I have v1 in hostname - http://localhost/v1

It complains that my openapi spec path dont have v1 in their paths. itdoesnt considerhttp://localhost/v1 as basepath. I guess it thinks http://localhost/ is basepath. Is there a way to treat http://localhost/v1 as basepath so it doesn't look for /v1/stores in paths.

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