Swagger Request Validator Core relies on POM with commercial license

Issue #338 resolved
Samer Jalaleddine created an issue

I’ve noticed while fetching the Swagger Request Validator Core dependency (com.atlassian.oai:swagger-request-validator-core) that it fetches a POM (com.atlassian.pom:base-pom).

This POM has a commercial license which I found odd. However, Swagger Request Validator Core is open-source and has an Apache License 2.0.

Isn’t this a bug? Doesn’t the reliance on a POM with commercial license contradict Swagger Request Validator Core’s license.

If I try to force maven not to get the POM, the build fails. The below logs are to prove that Swagger Request Validator Core requires the POM with commercial license.

The log:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project grid-execution: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.example:test:jar:v3: Failed to coll
ect dependencies at com.atlassian.oai:swagger-request-validator-core:jar:2.8.4: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.atlassian.oai:swagger-request-validator-core:jar:2.8.4: Canno
t access ***** in offline mode and the artifact com.atlassian.pom:base-pom:pom:5.0.29 has not been downloaded from it before. ->
[Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project test: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.example:test:jar:v3: Failed to collect dependencies at com.atlassian.oai:swagger-request-validator-core:jar:2.8.4

Thanks in advance.

Comments (3)

  1. Samer Jalaleddine

    Hello James,

    Is it possible to have the fix on version 2.8.4?

    In our case, upgrading simply isn’t feasible.



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