Request Body/Content in CustomRequestValidator is null after 2.11.1

Issue #374 resolved
Former user created an issue

On a CustomRequestValidator in Spring MVC application, the new methods request.getRequestBody().toJsonNode() OR request.getRequestBody().toJsonNode().toString(XXX) is not providing the request body. And also the request.getRequestBody().hasBody() method in returns false.

On debugging the PushbackInputStream (in InputStreamBody) is getting closed during the call toJsonNode in the call chain from SchemaValidator. The input stream is closed and not available to use in the customer request validators.

Neither the deprecated method request.getBody() is not giving the contents of the request.

Comments (19)

  1. Sven Döring

    Does this error still occur with version 2.21.1 or later? There was a fix regarding the PushbackInputStream with #367.

  2. Rajkumar Ramanathan

    The debug screenshot was taken with latest version 2.24.0. The issue still exists.

    The input stream getting closed after it’s read in Schema Validator.

    There seems to be a comment on introducing input stream issue #273 on 2020-07-31.

    Ignoring the test case failure’s might need to be reconsidered, Since the request body needs to be fully available for all the custom request validators as well.

  3. Sven Döring


    As it is generally working that has something to do with your workflow.

    Can you elaborate what you are validating?
    Do you use additional filters, interceptors or request wrappers?

  4. Rajkumar Ramanathan

    Request body is generally available till 2.11.1, before input stream got introduced. Not from 2.11.2.

    In the CustomRequestValidator for things we are not able to define in specs for required, enum or format. We define them in custom format and validate them in Custom Request Validators.

    Which one of bellow you think is better?

    providing deprecated request.getBody() to provide the string request body as fallback?


    Body class could use CloseSheldInputStram( from Apache common IO) wrapping PushBackInputStream instead of direct PushBackInputStream. And close after all the CustomRequestValidators in method RequestValidator.validateRequest().

    what are your thoughts?

  5. Sven Döring

    Now I get a glimpse of what you are doing.

    First there is the normal request validation using the request body.
    Then you have additional custom validation that is also utilizing the request body.

    That worked before v2.11.1 because back then the body was a string. And the body string can be reused for additional custom validation.
    It does not work in newer versions because the request body is now read from an InputStream. The InputStream can not be reused for additional custom validation because it has been closed during first validation.

    Did I understand that correctly?

  6. Sven Döring

    I’m sorry for the late response. I got no mail about your comment.

    Are you using the default OpenApiValidationFilter, OpenApiValidationInterceptor and OpenApiValidationService? I ask to know, how and when you call your CustomRequestValidator.

    Your CustomRequestValidator is something completely custom? Or is it some part of the swagger-request-validator?

  7. Rajkumar Ramanathan

    No worries. Notifications never worked for me 🙂

    We didn’t extend the Filter, Interceptor or Service.

    Custom request validator is added using OpenApiInteractionValidator.Builder.withCustomRequestValidation(). And the same is used in OpenapiValidationInterceptor().

    We just call ValidationReport.Message.create() for each failures in the CustomRequestValidator and in the end stream and merge ValidationReport List.

  8. Sven Döring

    I think I’ll introduce a new ResettableInputStreamBody those InputStream can be resetted. In case of the Spring MVC Validator the used InputStream is resettable.
    I don't like to use the StringBody as validation would be tremendously slower - ~ factor 2.5.
    So you have to call body.reset() every time before you validate the body in your custom request validation.

  9. Sven Döring


    I just merged the latest master into the PR.

    You said you have a customized validator. Perhaps you can benefit from the latest changes of issue #376, too.

  10. Rajkumar Ramanathan

    Yes, this does fix the issue. Thanks for the quick turn around and solution. Appreciate it.

  11. Rajkumar Ramanathan

    @Sven Döring It’s been a while.

    As always appreciate your help in fixing the issue. is it included in the base? May I know version to use.

  12. Sven Döring

    It’s still not merged. I just saw merge conflicts in the PR. I’ll have to deal with them first.

    May I ask if you’ve upgraded to Spring Boot 3 lately?

  13. Rajkumar Ramanathan

    @Sven Döring oh Okies. Can you please try including in the next release.

    Noep, We haven’t started with Spring boot 3 yet. In the process of moving to Java 17. We will most likely start spring boot 3 in a month or so.

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