springmvc - Fails to Validate Request Unless Request Wrapper is Specific Type

Issue #402 new
Ryan Daniels created an issue

In using Spring Boot, there are many types of filters that can wrap requests. For example, as part of Spring HATEOAS, it has a filter for dealing with X-Forwarded-* headers that has its own wrapper:


When this is in place, validation does not happen because in OpenApiValidationInterceptor:

(servletRequest instanceof ContentCachingRequestWrapper || servletRequest instanceof ResettableRequestServletWrapper)

This should not prevent validation from executing.

Comments (3)

  1. Ryan Daniels reporter

    I was able to get around the issue by using @Order:

        Filter openApiValidationFilter() {

  2. Sven Döring

    That is the correct way to solve this issue. And yes, it would fit good into the documentation.

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