Pattern (and other?) validation doesnt work when referenced via $ref

Issue #44 resolved
James Navin created an issue

This was raised by @imthedoctor in discussion in #9

"definitions": {
    "PatternObject": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "patternByRef": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Pattern"
        "patternInline": {
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "b+a"
    "Pattern": {
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "a+b"

Both pattern validations incorrectly passing for requests with invalid fields, e.g.

  "patternInline": "foo",
  "patternByRef": "bar"

Initial thought is the schema validator may not be following multiple levels of $ref redirection and so isn't generating the appropriate validation messages.

Comments (3)

  1. Sven Döring

    I can verify that the validation for patternByRef isn't working. The patternInline is working as expected.

    This is due to this bug in swagger-core:

    The ModelImpl simply has not pattern field. So it simply gets lost while reading the Swagger schema. Thus making validation impossible.

    I don't see it happen that this bug will be fixed in Swagger 2.0 as the development is strong for OpenAPI 3.0. And I can't imagine a workaround in the S-R-V at the SchemaValidator. The necessary information is simply not there.

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