Postman collection adapter

Issue #95 closed
Joseph Gardner created an issue

We are using postman collections (newman cli) for conformance testing and would like to validate the request/response pairs against the open api spec.

Are there any plans to add this or existing contrib adapters for this use case?

If not, I'd like to attempt building this. I'm not a native java developer so any suggestions on how to approach this would be helpful (assuming others would find this useful.)

My goal is to build a CLI that takes as arguments the URI for both the postman collection json and the OAS.

I have a working prototype that takes a pact file and OAS. So the missing piece is adapting the postman json to the generic http model.

Comments (4)

  1. James Navin

    Sounds like a great idea.

    I dont have any experience with postman collections or the newman cli, so will leave it to you for an implementation. Im happy to help with any questions though.

    Just to double check - does it make sense to include this CLI in this project? Or would it be easier/better/more sensible to have a separate project that just uses the SRV as a dependency?

  2. Joseph Gardner reporter

    I'm happy to contribute the CLI but assumed you only wanted the adapter for this project.

  3. James Navin

    Sorry - I misunderstood. I think a postman adapter makes sense in this project, but I agree that the CLI is better to live outside of it.

    Thanks for considering contributing it!

  4. James Navin

    Closing due to inactivity. If this is still an enhancement you would like to see / contribute, please feel free to re-open.

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