Pact: Publish results to the broker

Issue #96 resolved
Former user created an issue

The Pact swagger validator has the feature to retrieve pacts from the broker but the results are not published back to the broker. Would be great to have this feature available. Thanks!

Comments (3)

  1. Max Ludwig

    Hi, yeah, this would be quite nice to have. Or maybe, if it’s out of scope, a bit of documentation how to do it with pact-jvm would be good.

  2. Max Ludwig

    Just dug into this a bit. It’s pretty unfeasible to do it manually pact-jvm manually because the PactProviderValidator hides a few necessary things like the Pact with the interactions which are necessary to build the TestResult.

    I’d suggest to at least expose the Pact, not just the location, in the ConsumerResult.

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