Doesn't work via API.

Issue #2 new
Manuel Urbano Martínez created an issue
~/atlassian-cli-5.1.0/./ --action sendMessage --room "xxxxx" --message "Tip del día" --server "" --token "xxxxxxx"

If I wrote myself on chat "Tip del día" works perfectly, but I created an script with a crontab to send message every day with the same words "Tip del día" and din't work.


Comments (1)

  1. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Hearsay doesn't currently listen to/match on room notifications (which come from a distinct HipChat webhook). That would not be too hard to add, but I'm unlikely to have time for it any time soon. If you'd like to submit a PR, I'd be happy to review, however.

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