Add support for Norwegian letters

Issue #6 resolved
Peter Samuel created an issue

Related to

[11:36] Peter Samuel Test karma reinstall @RoyMagneIndrebø++
[11:36] Peter Samuel Test failed.
[11:36] Roy Magne Indrebø lol

ÅØÆ åøæ

Comments (13)

  1. Roy Magne Indrebø

    This does not work: @RoyMagneIndrebø++ This works: "@RoyMagneIndrebø"++

    It works for other people with Norwegian letters in their name. It works for other people with more than one first name. It works for other people with special letters like é, ẑ.

  2. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Sorry about the omission. If you can provide a specific unicode range that should be included in the match regex I can get it added.

  3. Elena Bielinyte

    We have the same issue in Denmark. We tried replacing user's special letters with simple (ø -> o) but then he becomes "thing" and not user, and is not a part of the top users scoreboard. The same happens with putting user's name into quotes - karma is registered as thing.

  4. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Sorry about that. If you can give me specific Unicode ranges that's will help me update karma correctly. I'll try to get to this next week.

  5. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    @pjsamuel3 @roymagneindrebo @smajle When Issue #1 was fixed back in November, I believe support for these characters was added at that time -- karma currently supports matching unicode in the following ranges: \u00C0-\u1FFF and \u2C00-\uD7FF, the first of which includes the characters noted in this issue.

    Unfortunately, if you installed the karma add-on before the fix was deployed, HipChat won't know that the match regex was updated until you reinstall the karma add-on. Fortunately, you can reinstall karma without losing any data.

    Please try re-installing karma (or asking your HipChat group administrator to do so) to make sure that karma gets installed for your room or group with the unicode-compatible regex.

    If you reinstall the add-on and it still doesn't work, please re-open this issue and I'll look into it more deeply.

    Sorry it took this long to investigate this, in any case.

  6. Peter Samuel reporter

    Sorry @rbergman but the reinstall did not work:

    Peter Samuel    10:28 PM RoyMagneIndrebø++ for trying to fix open source karma plugin...
    Karma   10:29 PM KarmaPlugin's karma has decreased to -1.
  7. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated


    Ok, I reproduced this and discovered a bug in some of the underlying add-on SDK. After fixing that, I believe karma should be working, though you do need to reinstall again to pick up the latest fix. Please let me know if this still doesn't get karma working for your case.

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