C++ language doesn't need karma

Issue #7 new
Nuria Torne created an issue

When you are a programmer explaining something about C++ language, that doesn't mean you want to give karma to C.

Example: - You have to be careful with memory in C++ - C's karma has increased to 69.

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    I used to have an ignore list (that only contained C++) but the C++ programmers on our team asked to keep the ability for C to gain karma so I took it out :P

    Despite the design intent to allow C to gain karma, I'll leave this open for now in case there's enough interest to warrant a configurable ignore list eventually.

  2. Jody Shumaker

    We have a tendency to follow up every mention of C++ with a C--. The extra spam is a bit annoying, would definitely like to see option for an ignore list.

  3. Naomi Bancroft

    I would love to have an ignore list that only contained C++! It's gotten this bad:

    C's karma has increased to -18266.

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