Advanced, Paid Options

Issue #31 new
Jamey Steinmann created an issue

I would like to see the ability to use the mailroom feature to act as an email monitoring room. We have a lot of email notifications that get BCC'd to a public folder. We would like the ability to lift the rate limit on a specific server address and define a retention period for the emails in there. This would be a perfect asset to our organization that we would be willing to pay for.

Comments (5)

  1. Jamey Steinmann reporter

    Just wanted to clarify, that we would want to use this as a replacement for that public folder

  2. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Hi Jamey, thanks for the idea. Mailroom is open source, so one option would be for you to run your own instance of it on Heroku, where you could set the rate limit and retention settings to whatever you like. I'd be willing to help you get that set up by working on a short configuration guide if that approach would be of interest to you. Aside from that, we're pretty unlikely to offer a paid solution for custom rate limiting or retention.

    /cc @tanguy_crusson

  3. Jamey Steinmann reporter

    Thanks for the input Bob. I would be interested to see what that looks like. We're new to Jira and would like to make the most of Atlassian's product offerings where they make sense.

  4. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Running your own instance on a PaaS such as Heroku shouldn't be too hard if you or someone on your team is relatively technical.

    I have a general set of instructions for deploying add-ons built in the style of Mailroom and the other Botlab add-ons here:

    Mailroom specifically requires MongoDB (i.e. the Redis instructions in that link can be skipped). It also requires the Mandrill add-on on Heroku, in addition to the following environment variables:

    NODE_ENV:            production

    Mandrill provides its own instructions for configuring your inbound email domain here:

    I'd expect that there are some Mailroom-specific details not covered in the linked docs, too, and I'd be happy to help sort those out as needed if this process looks like something you want to pursue.

  5. Sebastian Buckpesch

    Thank you for the instructions. But what I really want is a paid service. I just want to click "Install" and it should work... Like it is at the moment, but without limitations. I think there are more people out there willing to pay for a plug&play solution...

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