Mailroom doesn't work anymore

Issue #37 resolved
Joey Wang created an issue

Emails sent to the email address of the room don't show anymore. When we try to double check the email address by typing '/mailroom', no email address shown in the room.

Comments (14)

  1. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Sorry, I'll try to resolve this ASAP. Someone is repeatedly sending an email that's crashing the server -- once I can figure out why it's dying I'll deploy a fix.

  2. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Actually, it seems to be a problem with the database provider. I am reaching out to the db vendor.

  3. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    I've tracked down the database issue, but restoring service could take another day or two yet. Apologies for the disruption of service.

  4. Jonathan Hult

    It is a free service. We appreciate you developing and maintaining it. We also appreciate your quick response and action.

  5. Ryan Boochard

    Thank You for keeping up with it and letting us know. I tried to install the mailroom integration in a room on the 11th and it appeared to work but them I kept getting "Error There was a problem installing the integration"

  6. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Ok, the database is restored and is catching up with the backlog of emails right now. You may experience an influx of old email as the backlog is cleared. Hopefully the service will stabilize now that it's back online, but let me know if it has issues again. I'll keep an eye on it as well.

    Note that I may end up reducing the retention period somewhat (to less than a week) in response to this outage, but no decision on that just yet. The full reasons for the outage are somewhat complex, but are rooted in the db size growing beyond capacity.

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