meme command is down

Issue #11 closed
Schoenhofen, Kelly created an issue

The /meme command is completely down,


presumably because meme_captain tore out v1 of their API and Sassy needs to switch to a newer API or a different web meme host. They are located here:

Please, for the love of all that you find holy, get /meme back up and running. We're dying out here.

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    It's on my todo list but I'm on vacation away from a computer now. If anyone can PR the required changes, that would accelerate a fix when I get back next week.

  2. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    The PR with the fix to use the new memecaptain API has been merged, updated, and deployed. Please open a new ticket if there are any issues with the new implementation. Special thanks to @mm6 for the initial PR!

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