Last paragraph on readme has broken link

Issue #2 resolved
Ralph Whitbeck created an issue

\ - last paragraph

Now, to install the add-on at, see the instructions here, starting with the section titled "Manually installing the add-on using HipChat's admin UI". The remainder of that document will also be useful for learning how to modify the starter add-on included with this project.

The link in this paragraph links to instructions to install the add-on is broken.

Currently it linked to

propose it go to: 5) Install the add-on on

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Bergman Account Deactivated

    Thanks. I updated it with the correct bitbucket URL for now, but would be fine changing it to point to the section you propose once there are page scroll anchors in the quick start doc, but we'll probably need an issue opened for the hipchat/web project to get that in. I'll leave this issue open for now.

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