What happened to the configurable capability?

Issue #1 new
Ramiro Berrelleza created an issue

I'm trying to write an addon that offers a configurable UI to the user, post install. Before, I made this by publishing a capability like this:

 "configurable": {
            "url": "{{base_url}}/configurable"

I don't see a corresponding option on the addon.py class. Was this left out on purpose, or is just hasn't been implemented yet?

Comments (2)

  1. Julien Michel Hoarau Account Deactivated

    It hasn't been implemented yet, but you can add it to addon.base_descriptor["capabilities"]["configurable"] in the meantime

  2. Ramiro Berrelleza Account Deactivated reporter

    ah thanks for the suggestion, that worked perfect for me! Let me get some time and I'l send a PR your way with this.

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