Jira issues do not load if "resolution" field is hidden

Issue #103 resolved
Andrew Weinstein created an issue

We don’t use the “resolution” field in Jira. When I try to load issues in the VS Code extension, I get this error: “Field 'resolution' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.” If our admin adds the resolution field to the issue layout, the integration works, but then the field becomes required and we have to choose a value to create a new issue, which we do not want.

If we don’t need this field in Jira, we shouldn’t need it for the extension either.

OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.4

VS Code: 1.33.1

Atlassian extension: 1.2.3

Comments (11)

  1. Kevin Nielsen Account Deactivated

    Having same issue, would love to integrate, but we do not use resolution field. Entering custom JQL below produces same error message

    assignee = currentUser() AND resolutiondate = EMPTY ORDER BY updated DESC
  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Could you try adding a custom jql which does not include resolution and see if that works? For example - assignee = currentUser() AND statusCategory != Done

    (Custom JQL can be configured in the settings screen - Atlassian: Open settings from command palette)

  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @andrew725 and @kdoggnielsen we’re having trouble re-creating the error. Can you help us figure out what you mean by the resolution field being hidden?

    If I hide it on a field configuration for a test project, the issues don’t show up in JQL queries that supply resolution, but I don’t get any errors. I can also open those issues up directly without error.

    I’m wondering if the resolution field was marked as hidden in your Jira(s) or if the admin went to the resolutions admin page and deleted them all?

    The resolution admin page is found here: <your Jira domain>/secure/admin/ViewResolutions.jspa

    Any info you can provide on how your projects are configured would be helpful.

  4. Kevin Nielsen Account Deactivated

    This is what my admin sees when she goes to that URL.
    *Also, in my case, we simply don’t use “Resolution” in any of our tickets. We use “Status” to mark things as in progress or in QA, or etc

  5. Andrew Weinstein Account Deactivated reporter

    so…i’m not sure if something changed or if i was just confused before, but i just tried what pramod suggested with the custom JQL (removing the reference to the resolution field) and that fixed the issue.

  6. Andrew Weinstein Account Deactivated reporter

    ohhh, wait, i know why. it’s because i didn’t do what pramod said this time. he said to open the extension settings from the command palette, i.e. Atlassian: Open Settings. if i go to “issues and JQL” → “custom JQL” → “add query” on that screen, it doesn’t help. what i need to do is open the actual VS code settings from the menu (code → preferences → settings), then go to extensions → Atlassian and change the “assigned issue JQL” and “open issue JQL” settings for Jira Explorer (remove the “resolution” field from both queries).

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