Allow following more than one JIRA board

Issue #106 resolved
Michael DeGraw created an issue

I’m really liking the plugin so far!

One of the things I wish I could do is follow multiple boards at once (to see them under “my issues”). Our team has a board, but we also have a column on a support board. That would be great if I could keep track of both of them at once.

Comments (6)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    @mdegraw , if the boards are part of the same project or different projects in the same Jira site this might be something you can accomplish using custom JQL searches. You can configure custom JQL in the extension settings accessible by clicking the Jira section of the status bar at the bottom of the VS Code window or searching for “Atlassian: Open Settings” in the command pallet.

  2. Michael DeGraw reporter

    Looks like the JQL stuff takes care of that. Next question I have is this. I have a few cards assigned to me in an epic. However, I am seeing every card in the epic, even though my jql is supposed to filter based on cards assigned to me assignee = mdegraw. Any thoughts on that?

  3. Nick Rundquist

    The JQL issue should be fixed in 1.4.0 which was just released. It requires VS Code 1.31.1 if you haven’t already updated.

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