Can't create a new issue

Issue #108 resolved
Thomas Sauter created an issue

When creating a new issue only “waiting for data …” shows up. In developer tools where a message “[Embedded Page] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined”

vscode: 1.33.1

plugin: 1.2.3

MacOS: 10.14.3

Comments (21)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @tomfxs Does this happen every time? If you restart vscode and try again, does it work?

    I have a feeling it’s just a lack of error handling when we make a request to get the available fields from Jira which may be an intermittent problem.

  2. Thomas Sauter reporter

    Yes, every time, even after restart. You‘re right, it looks like an error handling problem.

  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @tomfxs Can you install v 1.3.0 of the extension and see if it at least gives you an error message and possibly a custom field issue report to click on?

  4. Thomas Sauter reporter

    Hi @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} I’m sorry, I’ve tested with 1.3.0 and 1.3.1, but still the same:

    [Embedded Page] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined, webviewElement.ts:392

    noting else …

  5. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @tomfxs I’ve created a new version for you to use to help me debug. It probably won’t fix the issue, but if you can install it temporarily and try again it should at least give us an idea of what’s going on.

    Please follow these steps:

    download the attached vsix file

    in VS Code, go to the Extensions sidebar, click the … menu and choose “install from vsix”

    Once installed, restart VS Code

    open up the create issue screen

    open the help menu and choose “Toglle Developer Tools”

    In the dev tools console, you should see a dump of the issuetype screens. Could you add that output to this page? (you can scrub any sensitive names/data).

  6. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @tomfxs Sorry to make you install another vsix file. Could you please install this one and then:

    • open the command palette
    • search for "Atlassian: Create Issue Meta"
    • run the command
    • In the "Output" tab in the bottom panel, use the dropdown to select "Atlassian"

    You should see a really large JSON blob. Could you please send me that? It contains the low-level data we use to render the create issue screen. With that blob, I'll be able to debug using the fields returned by your Jira.


  7. Thomas Sauter reporter

    Hi @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} , sorry for the delay! “Atlassian: Create Issue Meta” has no effect, it doesn’t do anything at all …
    But I noticed that it works on my laptop, so I deactivated all other extensions on my desktop, but it still doesn’t work …
    On my laptop there is a message: “non-renderable fields detected, View a problem report”, see attachment, what it shows.
    Maybe this helps?

  8. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Thomas Sauter That’s really strange that it works on one machine and not another. Are you desktop and laptop running the same OS?

    Can you tell me the OS+version on both machines?

    Also, do you get the create meta json in the Atlassian output if you run that command on your laptop?

  9. da61

    Any updates on this?

    I cannot create Jira issues through the plugin it just freezes on ‘waiting for data…’ and I get a Uncaught TypeError in the console

    I’m on version 1.4.3

    MacOS 10.14.4

    vscode 1.37.1

  10. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    We believe this is fixed in 2.0.3 which is now available from the VS Code Marketplace.

    Please re-open if needed.

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