Cannot authenticate any of the service

Issue #125 resolved
İsmail Sağlam created an issue

I tried to install the extension to my vscode but I never manage to login to any of the services (Jira, bitbucket etc.)

Here are my configurations:

VsCode: Version 1.31.1 (1.31.1)

Installed Extension version: 1.3.1

This is the error shown when I tried to login:

Comments (12)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @alper-saglam Please update the extension to the latest version (1.3.1). That should fix the issue.

  2. İsmail Sağlam Account Deactivated reporter

    Actually, I already installed the version you mentioned. Still the same. Anything else that I can do?

  3. İsmail Sağlam Account Deactivated reporter
    • edited description

    I tried to install the extension to my vscode but I never manage to login to any of the services (Jira, bitbucket etc.)

    Here are my configurations:

    VsCode: Version 1.31.1 (1.31.1)

    Installed Extension version: 1.1.0

    This is the error shown when I tried to login:

  4. İsmail Sağlam Account Deactivated reporter

    Last news:

    The marketplace install always installing the extension version 1.1.0. So I tried to download it from official page but I couldn’t manage to install 1.3.1 version as it is giving me the error:

    Even if it is saying in the page:

    Something is wrong. Can you help me with that?

  5. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @alper-saglam Thanks for pointing out the VSCode version. The documentation should be updated to say 1.33.0 or above. There were some major changes to one of the VSCode APIs that we use in the extension in 1.33, so we had to update the minimum supported version. We also had to update the port of our OAuth app to this issue -

    (The marketplace must be installing 1.1.0 because that’s the one compatible with VSCode 1.31.1.)

  6. İsmail Sağlam Account Deactivated reporter

    Yes and that is not working right now. So we can do nothing, right?

  7. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Upgrading VSCode to version 1.33 would work. Are you unable to upgrade to that version?

  8. Nick Rundquist

    I tried to install the extension to my vscode but I never manage to login to any of the services (Jira, bitbucket etc.)

    Here are my configurations:

    VsCode: Version 1.31.1 (1.31.1)

    Installed Extension version: 1.3.1

    This is the error shown when I tried to login:

  9. İsmail Sağlam Account Deactivated reporter

    Upgrading VSCode to version 1.33 would work. Are you unable to upgrade to that version?

    let me try this.

  10. İsmail Sağlam Account Deactivated reporter

    Ok it seems that because my vs code is in ‘Downloads’ folder I was not able to update it. After some digging (here is the issue that make achieve the goal) I finally manage to update my vscode to 1.33 and my authentication to the services is now working.

    Thank you for help @pbusam . I really appreciate it.

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