Status Bar settings are reset upon editor restart

Issue #13 resolved
Julia Wong created an issue

It seems that settings for the status bar display are reset when the editor restarts.

I am using VS Code Version 1.31.1 with Atlassian extension version 1.0.1

Here are steps to reproduce * Disable Jira and Bitbucket status bar * Restart VS Code * Jira and Bitbucket status bar reappear and the settings for that are reset

Comments (2)

  1. Menachem Mendel Hornbacher

    Same here on Windows 10. The icons appear regardless of the settings however the rest of the options still save (for the most part)

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We have released a new version of the extension (1.0.2) which fixes this issue. Please re-open if you still see this happening.

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