Pull request show differences between VSCode and bitbucket.org

Issue #137 resolved
Stepan Konrad created an issue

When I look at a pull request online and in VSCode there are differences if the source branch is not up to date with the target branch (although conflict-free). For example if a line was removed in a newer commit on the target branch it looks like as if the pull request would remove that line in VSCode whereas on bitbucket.org this change cannot be seen.
Plugin version 1.3.1, VSCode 1.33.1, OS: Windows 10

Comments (4)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @stepankonrad This is a known issue. This is not a problem in most of the cases, but in certain cases like you described, the diff shown by the extension is different from what is shown on the Bitbucket website.

    The extension shows the diff between the source branch and the merge-base of source and target branches. In order to show the same diff as the Bitbucket website, we basically have to merge the source to target branch and compare source to the merged state. This is tricky to implement as part of the extension as it changes the local state of the repository.

    This article has more details if you are interested: http://blog.developer.atlassian.com/a-better-pull-request/

    As a side-note, we show conflicted state in the pull request files view, which should help with reviewing the PR.

  2. ComeEasy Account Deactivated

    I faced this issue, and I think this should be better advertised. I just reviewed and complete file, and as the view doesn’t show some changes at the top of the file, all my comments are shifted on bitbucket.org. At the beginning, the shift is of a few lines, but at the end of the file, it becomes really hard to find which line the comment refers to.

    Maybe a warning should appear the first time one comments on a conflicting file, explaining this issue, or more effort should be put in finding the proper line to attach the comment to on bitbucket.org, so that teammates who don’t use the extension are not puzzled as much.

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