Authentication for bbcloud has been cancelled

Issue #146 resolved
Reece Cook created an issue

Struggling to link vscode with my Bitbucket account.

Upon clicking the Sign in to Bitbucket button in vscode a popup in the bottom right gives the message “Authentication for bbcloud has been cancelled”

The Prompt opens fine in my webbrowser requesting OAuth access but then returns an “internal server error”

Any Suggestions?

Comments (6)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Reece Cook Can you tell us the extension version and VS Code version that you are using?

  2. Mark Hunt

    @{557058:a30b5736-f3cf-41d7-aad0-99c9ffac78ce} , I am also having this issue. My extension version is 1.4.1 and my VS Code version is 1.34.0. Any updates on this? Thanks!

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Can you restart VS Code and try again? One case that error if if the authentication button might have been clicked multiple times accidentally. Can you check that it is not the case?

  4. Mark Hunt

    I tried that a few times, and even a computer reboot. I tried again yesterday and it started working again. I can’t tell what caused the issue or how it was fixed. Thanks for the follow up though!

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