Extension causing high CPU usage

Issue #149 resolved
Fredrik Burlin created an issue


Love the new VS Code Extension!

Unfortunately VS code is running at high CPU.

When investigating using the VS code command Developer: Show Running Extensions

It shows that:

Atlassian for VSCode (Official)
Performance Issue

It is not possible to disable the plug in.

Could you please have a look.



Comments (4)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Fredrik Burlin Can you update the extension to the latest version (1.4.2) and check if that fixes the issue?

    If you still see this issue in the latest version, could you give us some more info to look into it:

    • Versions of operating system, VS Code, and the extension
    • Are there any error logs in VS Code’s developer tools console that might be relevant
    • Are you using both Jira and Bitbucket features?
    • Can you tweak some settings like background refresh interval and disable any features that you may not be using in the extension’s settings screen (`Atlassian: Open Settings` from command palette) and see if that helps.
  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Version 2.0.0 of the extension fixes some bugs that were causing high CPU usage. Please try it out. I am resolving this issue for now. Please reopen if needed.

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