Start work on jira issue button showing up after work started

Issue #153 open
Krishna created an issue

Even after I have started work on a jira issue by clicking on “Start work on issue” button, the button still doesn’t go away, neither it gets disabled.

OS: macOS

VS Code version: 1.34.0

Extension version: 1.4.1

Comments (3)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Krishna Can you check if you still see the button if you close and re-open the issue view?

  2. Krishna reporter

    @{557058:a30b5736-f3cf-41d7-aad0-99c9ffac78ce} I have checked that already. Still the button is there.

    I think that this may be a feature where one can work on same issue in multiple branches. But even in that case, there is no visual indication that work has already started. I can change the issue status from the dropdown, but current status is not shown anywhere in the view.

    We can see the git branches and pull requests related to an issue on the Jira site. Making them visible in the VS Code extension issue view can be helpful.

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