Need option to Choose remote

Issue #161 resolved
Mahesh Kedari created an issue

I have multiple Remote path added to my local repository. This extension is selecting alphabetically first (by name) remote path. Is there any way to choose remote path for creating issues or handling pull requests?

Comments (6)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    @Mahesh Kedari , we’ve changed the selection so that origin is selected and then upstream if origin is missing. Does this solve your problem or is your situation more involved?

  2. Mahesh Kedari reporter

    Its helpful but does not solve the real problem. As a developer I should have a choice of remote path where I need to create an issue. If my repository is forked from another repository, and wish to create an issue on parent, I won’t be able to do it.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Mahesh Kedari Version 2.4.0 of the extension adds support for creating Bitbucket issues to the parent repository if its fork is checked out.

    You can clone the parent repository and add that folder to the VS Code workspace to view the pull requests and issues from the parent repository.

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