Option to always open same JIRA issue in same tab

Issue #187 closed
Ben Cohen created an issue

I frequently use the ‘JIRA Issues’ view in vscode to navigate back to issues – and this inevitably results in a million tabs for the same issue being open in VSCode. Would very much like it if the behavior when clicking on links from the Jira Issues Pane was

1. create new tab if tab for this issue doesn’t already exist

2. Switch to existing tab for this issue if tab for this issue already exists

Comments (5)

  1. Alastair Wilkes
    • changed status to open

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for opening this ticket. In fact, your suggested improvement is actually how is it supposed to work already. If it's not happening for you, then there's a bug.

    What version of the extension are you using? Thanks!


  2. Ben Cohen reporter

    Hmm looks like the behavior has changed actually - maybe it was a bug in the version I had at the time I reported this. But I can’t repro it now (I’m on whatever latest published version of the extension is and have auto-update enabled so was always on latest)

  3. Alastair Wilkes

    Thank you for the quick confirmation! I'm closing this, but if anything else comes up just give us a shout.

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