Addon is creating TABs in Chrome while not in use

Issue #19 resolved
Andreas Kroll created an issue

I have installed the addon, configured, connected to JIRA and BitBucket.

Letting VSCode sitting idle in the background every now and then Chrome suddenly creates a tab stating that either the connection to JIRA or to BitBucket has been successfully established.

This happens over and over again.

Any hints?

Comments (2)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @NTTAKR We are working on fixing this problem for the next release. We'll update this issue once the new version is published.

    Meanwhile if you are seeing this issue too frequently or are not able to login, please try restarting VSCode and authenticating again.

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We have released a new version of the extension (1.0.2) which fixes this issue. Please re-open if you still see this happening.

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