Not being able to create pull requests

Issue #2 resolved
Laurent Quevedo created an issue

Whenever I try to open a new Pull Request using the "+" button in "Bitbucket Pull Requests" section, it just opens two times the popup to log into Bitbucket, and when I enter my credentials, they just close and the tab to create the pull request just stays with "waiting for data..."


Comments (10)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @laurentvox Have you been able to login to Bitbucket using the "Atlassian: Open Settings" screen ?

  2. Laurent Quevedo reporter

    @brainicorn, yes, I was able to visualize open Pull Requests too, but when I would try to open it through the "+" button, it would stay in that "waiting for data..." screen.

    But... I just opened the VSCode here now, it asked me to login both in Jira and Bitbucket again, and after one successful attempt in those two popups, it worked! I'll continue to test the extension then, my colleague is having some other issues. I'll try to reproduce them also and I may be logging some more issues if I find, ok?


  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @laurentvox @misolori,

    We've fixed some various things and have released version 1.0.1 which we think will resolve the things reported in this ticket. Can you please test it out and let us know?

    Also, we definitely welcome any more issues you find! :)

  4. Justin Weisberg Account Deactivated

    After updating to version 1.0.1 I am still experiencing similar behavior regarding pull requests. Previously, I could see the correct name of my repo in the Bitbucket Pull Requests, but it said that there were no open pull requests. I also would experience the De.get(...) is not a function error. Now, after updating (both cleanly, and via uninstall/reinstall), I see no repos listed in the Pull Request pane and clicking the '+' simply brings me to a page that is waiting for data.

    Is there any information I can provide or a debug mode that may prove useful?

    Thanks, all! (The Jira support has been wonderful, thus far!)

  5. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @jweisberg21 Can you confirm that the repositories that you have in the VS Code workspace are Bitbucket cloud repos? Running git config --get remote.origin.url should show something like <username><repo_name>. In 1.0.1 we made a change to not show non-Bitbucket repos in the pull requests pane as we do not support them anyway.

    For the waiting for data error while trying to create a pull request - do you mind opening developer tools (Developer: Toggle Developer Tools in command palette) and checking if there are any errors in the console log?

  6. Justin Weisberg Account Deactivated


    I was able to figure out what my issue was! I have aliased as bitbucket in my ssh config and in my git config I was using <username>@bitbucket:<repo_name>. When I updated my git config to use <username><repo_name> and refreshed, my pull requests appeared immediately!

    I can look into evaluating ssh config aliases as a PR for this extension if that would be helpful, otherwise thanks for pointing me in the right direction. :D

  7. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @jweisberg21 That's great! Pull requests are always welcome 😃

    I am going to resolve this issue as we think the bugs in the create PR feature have been fixed. Please re-open or create a new issue if you see any other bugs.

  8. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @jweisberg21 Starting version 1.4.0 of the extension, ssh aliases will work as long as the alias includes as a part of its name.

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