Extension Not Working for VS Code 1.32.0

Issue #20 resolved
Laurent Quevedo created an issue

After updating my VS Code to new version (1.32.0), the extension is not showing in my bar anymore and shows like this when I search for it: issue.png

Comments (6)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @laurentvox We will be releasing a new version later today that will work with 1.32.0

  2. Marian Stoica

    @brainicorn would you consider not restricting the extension to a fixed version? Or <= fixedVersion, whichever it is now?
    The main reasons would be:

    1. I'd rather be able to use the extension at my ow risk (I'm always on VSCode Insiders) and if it fails, well... it fails, at least I report a bug ahead of time (secretly hoping that it will work most of the times)
    2. Whenever a new version of VSCode is launched, there will always be an interruption (not being able to use the extension until a new version of the extension is launched)

    This is too good of an extension to not be able to use it with Code Insiders 😁

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