Authentication error with custom sites

Issue #200 duplicate
Matthew Brown created an issue

I am getting the below error when trying to authenticate with a custom Jira site. I am using the base URL

The same error occurs with Bitbucket using the base URL

VS Code: v1.38.1 (user setup)

Atlascode: v2.0.0

Client OS: Windows 10 1903

Jira: v8.3.0

Bitbucket: v6.6.1

Server OS: Windows Server 2012 R2

Comments (3)

  1. Matthew Brown reporter

    Both issues refer to a problem using http, but the errors we’re getting look very different. Also, the title of that issue refers to a port that is not being used in my example.

  2. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    We have released version 2.0.1 to the VS Code Marketplace which should resolve this issue.

    Please Reopen if needed

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