Permission to add ticket to sprint is broken when creating new issues from extension

Issue #214 open
Stefan Vojvodić created an issue

In my organization, I’m not allowed to add issues to sprint. However, I was able to create an issue and select a sprint for it. It was successfully created, and I can see it in Jira cloud inside sprint.

I was not able to select and add to the sprint from the issue view, due to missing permission.

OS: macOS High Sierra v10.13.6

VS Code: 1.38.1

Extension: v2.0.2

Comments (5)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    Hi Stefan,

    The extension relies completely on Jira metadata to render the available fields which is supposed to be based on what you have permissions to.

    It sounds like maybe Jira thinks you can create issues with a sprint, but doesn’t allow you to add existing issues to a sprint. Can you check your Jira permissions to see if this is the case.

    Jira should error anytime you don’t have permissions to do something and our extension just uses public APIs that should be bound by the Jira permissions scheme.

  2. Stefan Vojvodić reporter

    Hi Jonathan,

    I don’t know where to check what permissions I have. Every time I do get error notification that I am not able to add issue to a sprint.

    In Jira cloud, I don’t even have an option to select a sprint when I’m creating an issue:

  3. Karl Lundfall

    Me and my colleagues are not seeing the field that allows us to add a sprint. Through the web client we are able to see and edit the field, but the field does not appear in the vscode extension.

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