Unable to Authenticate Custom BitBucket Site

Issue #229 resolved
Gabriel Knauth created an issue

hen I attempt to authenticate a customer Bitbucket Site, I receive a timeout error: Error authenticating with Bitbucket: Error: timeout of 10000ms exceeded

Software Details:

  • My operating system is Windows 8.1 Enterprise.
  • I am using version 1.39.0 of Visio Studio Code.
  • I have version 2.1.1 of Jira and Bitbucket (Official) extension installed.


  • I log into Bitbucket using single sign-on with Microsoft Online
  • I have authenticated Jira to Jira Cloud.

Comments (8)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Gabriel Knauth If you go into your profile page in the Bitbucket instance (view profile > manage account) do you have the option to create a Personal Access Token?

    If so, could you create one and then use that in place of your password when you try to authenticate?

  2. Gabriel Knauth reporter

    I tried the Personal Access Token. I’m still receiving a timeout error: Error: Error authenticating with Bitbucket: Error: timeout of 10000ms exceeded

  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Gabriel Knauth In version 2.1.1, can you open “Preferences: Settings (UI)” then search for “curl” and check the box that says “Atlascode: Enable Curl Logging”. Then, try to auth again. In the Output panel with “Atlassian” selected in the drop down, you should now see a bunch of curl commands. Can you opy the one that it’s stuck on, and add the “-v” flag to it and run it in a terminal to see where it’s getting hung up?

    You can disable the curl logging after that.


  4. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Gabriel Knauth Also, is it possible that you’re not supposed to proxy the internal Bitbucket instance? If so, you can bypass the proxy for Bitbucket by setting an environment variable:


    Then restart VS Code and try again. I’d try both of these individually and see what it gives you.

  5. Gabriel Knauth reporter

    @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} Oh, my giddy aunt! It was the proxy. Again.

    The curl command logging helped a great deal, as I could see the actual 504 error and, with the hint about the proxy was able to self-serve from there.

    Thank you!!!

  6. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Gabriel Knauth That’s great news! I’m glad we could make your aunt so happy! 🙂

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