Create pull request externally button is incorrect for custom sites

Issue #230 resolved
Matthew Brown created an issue

The button on the top-right of the “Create pull request” page is called “Create on…“. This is incorrect wording in the case that a custom site is being used. But the bigger issue I’ve found is that clicking it leads to a page {{baseURL}}/projects/{{project}}/repos/{{repo}}/browse/pull-requests/new that results in a 500 error. When I select to create a pull request in Bitbucket Server, it uses {{baseURL}}/projects/{{project}}/repos/{{repo}}/pull-requests?create.

  • VS Code: v1.39.0 (user setup)
  • Atlascode: v2.1.0
  • Client OS: Windows 10 1903
  • Bitbucket Server: v6.6.1

Comments (11)

  1. Matthew Brown reporter

    The wording on the button is fixed, but the URL is still producing a 500 error. I have posted an image below. Perhaps it is an issue with my setup based on the message, but I’ve never had an issue like this before and using the URL from the description has always worked fine.

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