Site credentials not being saved on Windows

Issue #246 resolved
Gleb Savateev created an issue

Windows 7;

VS-Code: 1.38.1;

JIRA/BB-Extension: 2.1.2.

Hello everyone!

first, many many many thanks to everyone who developed such a wonderful extension! Its productive installation is one of the best things happened at my work in the last few months!!!

However, it would not be an issue, if I would not like to report a problem.

So, Jira works well directly after signing in:

However, it stops working after a restart of the VS-Code:

And if I try to refresh the list of my issues, I receive the following error message (despite I stay logged in according to the blue bar downstairs):

I am not quite sure, but I suppose that it could be a JQL-related problem, since my “Edit JQL”-window looks in the following way:

Here are my Atlassian’s settings:

"atlascode.jira.workingSite": {
        "baseUrlSuffix": ""
    "atlascode.jira.todoIssues.enabled": false,
    "atlascode.jira.customJql": [
            "my open issues": "assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC"
    "atlascode.jira.explorer.assignedIssueJql": "assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC",
    "atlascode.jira.explorer.openIssueJql": "assignee in (EMPTY) AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC",
    "atlascode.jira.jqlList": [
            "id": "XYZ-417d-XYZ-832e-1db034717aac",
            "enabled": true,
            "name": "My open issues",
            "query": "assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC",
            "siteId": "",
            "monitor": true
    "atlascode.jira.lastCreateSiteAndProject": {
        "siteId": "",
        "projectKey": ""
    "atlascode.bitbucket.issues.createJiraEnabled": true,

Thank you in advance!!!

Comments (33)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Gleb Savateev Could you open “Preferences:Open Settings(UI)” and search for “level” and then make sure “Atlascode: Output Level” is set to debug.

    Then go to the Output tab in the bottom pane and choose “Atlassian” from the selectbox on the right and tell me if there are any errors in the console when this happens?

  2. Gleb Savateev reporter



    BTW, we use a hosted JIRA/BB-Service.

    Thank you in advance!

    PS: If I delete the saved JIRA-authentification and sign in once again, then it works again, but only until the next restart of the VSCode.

  3. Nick Rundquist

    @Gleb Savateev , can you check in the Windows Credential Manager and see if there are any entries whose name has “atlascode” in it?

  4. Gleb Savateev reporter

    @Nick Rundquist , sorry for such a late response, I was, unfortunately, sick:(
    Here are the corresponding entries:

    Thank you in advance!!!

  5. PurpleHeart

    I’ve got the exact same issue!

    Only this is my setup according to VS code

    Version: 1.39.2 (system setup)
    Date: 2019-10-15T15:35:18.241Z
    Electron: 4.2.10
    Chrome: 69.0.3497.128
    Node.js: 10.11.0
    V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0
    OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.17134 (Windows 10)

  6. Nick Rundquist

    Version 2.1.5 is on the marketplace now and should solve the issue. Let me know if you’re still having problems.

  7. Gleb Savateev reporter

    @Nick Rundquist Thank you very much for the information, but the problem is, unfortunately, still here, with all the same symptoms described above.

    However, the screenshot of the credentials manager seems to look different this time:

    Thank you for your help!

  8. PurpleHeart

    After the reload the extension did work. However I just restarted and it’s again saying ‘r.GetFields is not a function’ on opening the extension.

  9. Florian Schebelle

    Same issue on macOS 10.15, VSCode 1.40.1, atlascode 2.1.5. We’ve got a self hostet JIRA. And in case I setup the server account, the first fetch is running fine. Coming back to the Jira view will bring the error r.GetFields in the Jira Issues view and .getJqlDataFromPath in the JQL config view.

    Seems to be that the configured Jira and Bitbucket custom site configs will disturbe each other.

    What have I done in front of the test:

    1. Removed all caches from VSCode
    2. Reinstalled atlascode plugin

    As I started the plugin again, the configurations were already there. So I removed all configured server for Jira and bitbucket.

    We are using a self hosted Jira and Bitbucket server, both with the same domain and different context pathes (/jira, /stash).

    Then I reconfigured Jira with the custom Jira page and Context Path /jira

    Added the login credentials and waited to see the first incoming issues from standard JQL. All is running fine.

    Then I configured Bitbucket with Context Path /stash and the login credentials.

    Now the Jira issues run into trouble with the loose ends of the internal client (error getFields etc.)

    So only Bitbucket Pull requests are running fine.

    If I delete Bitbucket server config, Jira is running fine again.

  10. Thomas Lee

    I am facing the same issue as per the description by @Florian Schebelle . While our Jira server and Bitbucket server has a similar setup, they are hosted under the same hostname with different context path.

    Is that the root cause since the ClientManager stores client objects by hostname as key into the _clients map? I guess the Jira client object got overwritten when we setup the Bitbucket credentials.

  11. PurpleHeart

    My situation is similair to Thomas Lee. The hostname is similair, the context path is different. Also Jira keeps working if I disable / don’t configure the Bitbucket settings.

  12. Nick Rundquist

    @Thomas Lee @PurpleHeart ,
    We released version 2.2.0 today with a fix for the issue with multiple instances with the same hostname.

  13. Nick Rundquist

    @Gleb Savateev , was your issue the same as the others, where you had Bitbucket and Jira servers on with the same hostname?

  14. Serhii Olendarenko

    macOS 10.14.6, vscode 1.40.2, atlascode 2.20

    I have Bitbucket and Jira on the same host under different context paths too — the issue is still reproducible for me.

    If it matters, I also set up certificates to be used for accessing the corresponding host.

  15. PurpleHeart

    I’m still not able to use both Jira & bitbucket. Same error.

    Directly when logging out of Bitbucket the Jira part works again.

  16. Gleb Savateev reporter

    @Nick Rundquist , yes, my issue is completely the same. I have update the extension to the newest version today (2.20) and, unfortunately, the issues is still there.

  17. Gleb Savateev reporter

    @Nick Rundquist , the build works brilliant! The gates of awesome are opened even brighter right now, thank you very much! Looking forward to get the official 2.2.2!

    Have a nice day!

  18. Nick Rundquist

    And now the fix is included with the newly released 2.3.0.

    Thanks for everyone’s patience and help getting this one fixed.

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